Friday, November 27, 2009

Birthday Cupcakes

Happy Birthday Kristy!

I just returned home from having a birthday dinner celebration with my girlfriends. Today is our friend Kristy's birthday, so we all got together for dinner at a new restaurant in our town. The food was wonderful and we had a great time celebrating. I have been wanting to make my own cupcake wrappers for awhile, so I thought this was the perfect opportunity. I think they turned out pretty cute for my first attempt. I made the cupcakes too, so Kristy joked and said that they had better be on my blog - so I told her I would dedicate this blog entry to her and her special day. Happy Birthday Kristy! We love you!!!


  1. You made your own liners?? How neat! I've been wanting to use some pretty liners like those in your picture but I just can't afford to buy cute accessories like that all the time :( Did you find a template online? Do tell! They look SO CUTE!

  2. You did a fantastic job! Happy birthday to Kristy!

  3. I love the wrappers. What a great idea! What kind of paper did you use? By the way, have just found your blog though Ingrid's link -- great stuff. Will be back...

  4. Wow, I can't believe you make your own liners, can you share any tips?

  5. There is just nothing better than a cupcake as far as I'm concerned! Delish!!

  6. So cute! I have to find out how you made these liners! I am making cupcakes for a baby shower next month and would love some tips!!

  7. Love them! So creative :)

  8. I use pretty paper coffee cups. Just cut them in half side ways.


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